


Jerry is the President of the Virginians

VP Music and Performance:

VP Chapter Development:

Our VP Chapter Development is the VP Chapter Development of the Virginians. Reach out to Our VP Chapter Development to ask any membership questions.

VP Show Production:

VP Programs:

VP External Programs:

VP Marketing:



Immediate Past President:


Music Team


Musical Director:

Mike is the Musical Director of the Virginians

VP Music and Performance:

VP Show Production:

Assistant Director:

Section Leader - Baritone:

Section Leader - Bass:

Section Leader - Lead:

Section Leader - Tenor:

Music Librarian:

Please see Jack who serves as our Music Librarian for the Virginians. Jack will issue you your music folder and distribute any new music.



Chorus Administration


Site Admins:

Virginians Site Admins. Contact any of them if you have any questions or concerns about the "Members Only" area of the Virginians website.